PREVIOUSLY 38 YEARS, AFTER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PRACTICE OF LAW, PREVIOUSLY PERSONAL INJURY, PROBATE, BUSINESS, REAL ESTATE, LAND USE, PARTNERSHIP, CORPORATE ORGANIZATION AND DISSOLUTION, INSURANCE LAW, ESTATE PLANNING, EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION, CIVIL RIGHTS, COLLECTION, DEFENSE, CONSUMER PROTECTION, FORECLOSURE, LICENSING, ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, LAND USE, APPELLATE PRACTICE. Now such professional services are solely applied in service to First Amendment right of redress in cause 201,704-5 August 16, 2018, as amended and corrected by the court or reporter of decisions August 17, 2018, and subject to reconsideration motion by Washington's disciplinary counsel to supply a quality of proof standard absent from (1) Hearing Officer decision; (2) Reconsideration therefrom; (3) Board decision; (4) Reconsideration therefrom; Supreme Court Opinion but for Preponderance; to ensure potential for consideration of United States Supreme Court decisions requiring attention to genuine belief in a regulatory scheme controllingmarketability of land preserved by RCW 58.17.040(6) and the avenue of relief at RCW 36.70c.020(2)(a); with the respect that Washington's legislature applied at sec. 1, Chapter 232, Washington Laws of 2002 for reports to any branch of government, because of RWC 58.17.300 prohibition of sale or transfer of any part of platted property in compliance with regulations creating a record of agency approvals. |
p. o. bOX 229140
Bellingham, Washington 98229
360 733-6668
Phone: 360 733-6668
P.O.Box 229140
Bellingham, Washington 98229 |